Courtney E. Rowley
Courtney Rowley has built her career and reputation on representing regular people. She is passionate about the jury system as an imperative pillar of a functioning democracy. Courtney has obtained substantial verdicts and settlements in the areas of personal injury, employment law, wrongful death, toxic exposure and medical malpractice.
In the last year, Courtney has joined a team of lawyers in prosecuting Monsanto, an international chemical corporation, for its toxic injuries to women and children of the Sky Valley School System in Washington, U.S. This year they obtained a verdict of $275 million and plan to prosecute at least two more cases, representing 5 other families, before the end of 2023.
Courtney has authored four books, including Trial By Woman, which can be found on Amazon, Voire Dire and Opening Statement, Running with the Bulls: How to Win Top Dollar Settlements and Damages Evolving with David Ball and Artemis Malekpour.
Courtney is the owner of The Rowley Law Firm , member of Trial Lawyers for Justice, and a founder of Trial By Woman, a nonprofit organization designed to empower, support, and educate women in business and leadership. She is an advocate for civil rights and the importance of equity both inside the courtroom and out. She has obtained hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for clients from states across the country. Her focus in on the clients themselves, as human beings. She finds that by spending time, getting to truly know her clients and honor their dignity as individuals, she is better able to translate their experience.
Courtney tries her cases with her husband, Nick Rowley, founder of Trial by Human and Trial Lawyers for Justice. Nick and Courtney Rowley have been honored with numerous awards for their work in improving healthcare and expanding the civil rights of medical malpractice victims. They are the recipients of the Consumer Watchdog Rage for Justice Lifetime Achievement Award to honor their work in public interest, specifically their work to reduce and change a 45 year medical malpractice caps statute to expand all injured persons’ civil rights, especially for women and people of color. They are also the recipients of CAALA’s Ted Horn Award for Service. They are the producers of Making a Killing, a documentary about the injustices of patients and the healthcare system when caps allow insurance defense corporations to control access to the courts. “This agreement signals the end to one of the most longstanding battles in California politics, and strikes a fair balance protecting patients, while ensuring that physicians and other medical professionals can treat patients without fear of financial ruin,” Gavin Newsom said in a written statement. “This is an important victory for the stability and health of our healthcare system and for patients across California.”
Courtney is an avid advocate for education, especially for girls. She and her family have built water wells and a school in Kenya. She teaches trial skills and speaks across the country for legal and professional organizations.
She and her family live in Montana.