10-year-old Killed in Suspected DUI Rollover Crash on I-76 in Brighton. Wrongful Death Limits for Minors in Colorado is a Concern.
A 10-year-old was killed in a suspected DUI rollover crash on Interstate 76 which shut down traffic for hours on Saturday (May 29, 2021) night. Four people were in the vehicle, according to Brighton Police. A 27-year-old female driver was arrested for suspicion of vehicular homicide.
Our condolences for the needless loss and grief these types of accidents and wrongful deaths cause. Currently, under Colorado law, the cap on non-economic damages associated with the grief, solace and loss of a loved one in a wrongful death action is $571,870.
In 2017 there was a bill introduced concerning the elimination of the cap on noneconomic damages for the wrongful death of a minor child. In summary, the bill eliminates the cap on noneconomic damages for the wrongful death of a minor child. The bill clarifies that, for purposes of the wrongful death statutes, ‘minor child’ is defined using the general statutory definition of ‘minor’, which is ‘any person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years’.
The objection to this bill, which failed to pass on 4/28/2017 in Colorado, conveys a lack of worth some of our elected representatives placed on the lives of minors involved in tragedies such as these. Colorado representatives and their vote on the issue can be found on this page.
In incidents such as the tragic loss of a minor due to wrongful death, having a limit on value placed on the lives of our children diminishes their worth. It also leaves room for someone to get away with committing heinous crimes with minimal personal liability.
The full story of this traffic incident is at KDVR: https://kdvr.com/news/local/deadly-rollover-crash-shuts-down-i-76-in-brighton/
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