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Now what?

October 8, 2014

You were driving along on your way to work, or into the mountains for the weekend when the unthinkable happens. You get into a car crash.

Whenever something like this happens, there’s always a lot of fear and confusion right away. There’s a few steps you can take though to help protect yourself and your loved ones after an accident has occurred.

First and foremost, if there’s an emergency call 911. If it’s not an emergency, but still a serious accident, call the authorities. If no one is hurt, and it’s possible, move the cars out of traffic.

1. Check to see if everyone is okay. Again, if someone is injured call 911.

2. Make sure you file a police report. Filing a police report can be an extremely valuable piece of evidence should you need to go to trial.

3. Take photos. Taking photos of the scene of the accident as well as the cars, can help determine the amount of damage done, and serve as important context for a lawyer or your insurance agent.

4. If you need medical care later, make sure to keep track of all your documents. Should you be eligible to be reimbursed for your injuries, you’ll need to know exactly how much your medical bills are for, and when treatment happened.

5. If your insurance company doesn’t offer to cover all your medical bills, contact an attorney. Often times insurance companies will attempt to give you the bare minimum rather than what your injuries warrant.

If you’ve been in an accident, and you’re concerned about legal representation, feel free to reach out to us using our

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